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1 Beoordeling
Not Affiliated | Vintage And Pre-owned Designer Bags & Accessories I PurseCurse

Not affiliated

Not affiliated

Not affiliated with brands

Purse Curse is not affiliated with the brands mentioned on our website and social media. We are an independent seller of pre-owned designer bags and accessories. It is important to note that Purse Curse is in no way connected to the brands sold in our webshop. We specialize in buying and selling pre-owned designer items. Purse Curse only sells authentic pre-owned designer items sourced from legitimate sellers. We offer a one-year authenticity guarantee on all our products and stand behind the quality of every item we sell. Our authentication process is based on our own expertise, as well as that of an external AI authentication agency. We do everything in our power to verify authenticity. However, no data from the brands mentioned on this website and our social media is provided or used. Only the brands themselves can offer a 100% authenticity guarantee. Please note that the brands mentioned on our website and socials are not responsible for and/or bound by our authenticity findings.

Purse Curse is in no way affiliated with the brands mentioned in our webshop. Purse Curse is simply a reseller of these products. All items are pre-owned and come from a previous owner.

All trademarks appearing on Purse Curse are the property of their respective owners. Purse Curse is not affiliated with the owners of trademarks that do not belong to Purse Curse. Purse Curse has no rights and/or obligations towards the designers of the items we sell. All company names, related names, brands, emblems, logos, and images are registered trademarks of their respective owners. Purse Curse uses these trademarks and images solely for the purpose of illustration and identification of our products.

As an independent seller, we are not authorized to transfer the warranty or service terms of the brands we sell. Any warranty claims or service requests related to a product must be directed directly to the manufacturer or the authorized seller of the brand. Purse Curse is not responsible for any liability arising from the use of the products we sell. We advise our customers to follow all manufacturer instructions and guidelines regarding the use and care of their designer items.

This section emphasizes Purse Curse’s independence as a seller of pre-owned designer items and places the responsibility for warranty and service with the manufacturer or authorized seller of the brand.


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